Our Approach to Innovation Coaching

We provide innovation coaching both during the project execution or on the executive level to refine strategies. Our innovation coaches strike a balance between training sessions, hands-on activities, and team or one-on-one support.

Step one - get to know you

Get to know
your organization

We start with getting familiar with your organization’s unique needs and pain points to identify the best approach.

step two drive internal innovation culture

DrivE an internal innovation culture

We will challenge current thinking and empower your team to innovate by bringing energy, creativity, and a startup mindset.

step three adapt effective innovation process

ADAPT effective innovation process

We will teach you the process that will allow any team to go from idea to learning without investing a lot of time and money into building and developing a product or service.

step four follow up


We will create a custom playbook to ensure your success after the engagement and follow up with you to evaluate progress and provide additional recommendations or help.

Innovation Process Approach

emphasize and define

Empathize & Define

Understanding customer needs and discovering and defining the problem you are solving.



Facilitating and helping your cross-functional team collaborate and ideate in a distraction-free environment

prototype and test

Prototype & TEST

Helping you prototype and test the solutions or providing resources to help your team do it.

action plan


Creating a targeted action plan.

Let's talk about how we can help your team be more innovative!