Course Overview

Have you ever questioned if the activities that your team spent time doing are the right things? Are you working really hard on projects without understanding if you made an impact? If you want to spend your time on work that matters, this course is for you! 

Adapting & Scaling OKRs is a 4-week on-demand course. The main focus of this training is to help you and your team change how you work by focusing on outcomes instead of outputs—making the work you do more impactful. We will deep dive into the OKR framework, understand how to define your goals, baseline them, track them and refine your strategy to make better decisions.

What you will learn

  • A simple framework to define and measure your goals (objectives and key results) 

  • Align your roadmap to be outcome focused

  • Ways to help your team adapt and scale the framework

  • Pitfalls you might run into and advice on how to avoid them

  • Tips on how to change your team behavior from output to outcome-focused

Who is it for

This class is tailored for product managers, project managers, UX designers, development leads, and business owners of organizations of all sizes and types. You will benefit from it if you are new to the OKR framework or even if you are already using it.

Course Options


Option 1

I will learn by

What is included:

Access to on-demand videos, resources, and templates


Option 2

I need some one-on-one coaching

What is included:

Access to on-demand videos, resources, and templates

2 hour coaching session with expert


Limited availability!

Option 3

I need help coaching
my team

What is included:

Access to on-demand videos, resources, and templates

2 hour coaching session with expert

Expert leading a workshop with your team to define a goal and create a roadmap


Limited availability!


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Meet your instructors


Irina Becker, Co-founder OF MB Collab

Irina specializes in research and strategy. She has worked with companies of various sizes, from big brands to small startups, to coach OKRs, innovation, and research.

Serene Mireles, Co-founder of MB Collab

Serene has worked in design and tech for over twenty years at businesses of all sizes. She and Irina started MB Collab after seeing the same challenges—they saw teams solving for the wrong problems and going from idea to solution without testing or a strategy.